After a journey to the U.S. in May 2015 I knew that I have to do a unit converter for this site. Miles and kilometers, feet and meters and, of course, Fahrenheit and Celsius. Although I got a very good feeling of imperial units during my stay, it is sometimes hard to get a perspective of those units.


Enter a value into the field below and make a selection of your input unit. The rest is job of the site and all other values are presented as output. Please note: Decimal separator is '.'.


Your length conversion gives the following results:

Rounded to 4 decimal places, if applicable

Enter a value into the field below and make a selection of your input unit. The rest is job of the site and all other values are presented as output. Please note: Decimal separator is '.'.


Your temperature conversion gives the following results:

Rounded to 2 decimal places, if applicable

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